Would anyone be interested in an outdoor yoga class? I'm thinking of red rocks Sunday- weather permitting. Let me know if you'd want to do an OutdoorYogaFlow class by commenting or letting me know at the box.
Have a great week!
"The ancient yogis discovered that where our gaze is directed our attention naturally follows, and that the quality of our gazing is directly reflected in the quality of our mental thoughts. When the gaze is fixed on a single point the mind is diminished from being stimulated by all other external objects. And when the gaze is fixed on a single point within the body, our awareness draws inwards and the mind remains undisturbed by external stimuli. Thus, the use of a drishti allows the mind to focus and move into a deep state of concentration. " Read the whole article here.This week, as you focus on an intention for your practice, the theme is to dwell on the little things that make you smile, make you excited, lift you up- even if it's just momentarily. I often reference my kindergarten class in yogaRX. This week's intention reminds me of a daily routine we have in kindergarten to "Fill the Bucket". Each of us has an invisible bucket over our heads. When things happen throughout our day that are unpleasant, some of the water drips out of our bucket. Our negative inner feelings become negative actions and attitude. BUT, alternatively, if we focus on the positive little parts of the day, it can work to fill the bucket, creating a better attitude which leads to friendlier actions… a way of "paying it forward" so to speak. In honoring each other, we practice daily shout-outs that help fill up each other's "buckets." When we give a shout-out it works to benefit the giver as well as the receiver because spreading the joy manifests joy itself. It creates a domino effect that really makes everyone feel good- and isn't that the point?
If you think yoga is hard, just imagine how a trex must feel... |