Monday, March 7, 2016


At the start of every class I have been introducing a "Sanskrit Word of the Week" where I tell you its meaning and we set an intention.  Usually the intention and sanskrit word create a theme that helps drive our asana practice.  But what exactly is an intention??

“Our intention creates our reality.” Wayne Dyer

The intention is set at the beginning of class so that we can reflect on what that is and connect it with our physical practice, or asanas.  We want to refer back to this intention throughout class and let it stay with us even after we leave our mats.  

For the longest time, I went to yoga because I wanted to be more flexible, put my body in crazy positions it's never been in before, and overall yoga just made me feel good.  I couldn't explain why until I realized that over time I was unintentionally creating self awareness, reflecting thoughtfully about myself and influence in the world, and I was changing my actions in a positive way because of it.  I didn't know if my intentions set in class were "right" or what it even meant to set an intention.  I just knew that I could create my own space for the time I was on my mat and learn; learn about myself, learn about focus, learn about a practice of an ancient culture, and open myself to a world of possibilities beyond myself.

I created a list of themes and sanskrit words we've covered in class so far.  Come back to the intention you set in your class.  Did you carry out your promise to yourself?  Did it cultivate mental clarity?  Emotional well being?  Did you even notice a change in your lifestyle?  Reflect on these things and I'll meet you on your mat. 


Collection of Past Words and Themes:
  • Prana (Energy)- Creating and Sustaining Positive Energy
  • Vishudda (Communication/Throat 4th Chakra)- Ways to communicate and motivate others
  • Svadhyaya (Self Study)- Body awareness and learning how to notice slight changes in our bodies
  • Anahata (Heart/4th Chakra)- How we show love to ourselves and others
  • Drishti (Focal Point)- Keeping your eye on the goal and setting steps to reach it
  • Ananda (Pure Bliss)- Finding the good in any situation

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